thedayis over
I’m lying in the middle of the grass
sad crickets crowing
leading the symphonyat late night
arrive early
hastilylead the golden thread of sunshineinto the garden of rottingleaves
Itransforminto the grassinto the tree
the sleepthat does not wait for the stars to rise.
thinkingagain aboutVishnu and Shiva
create, preserve, destroy
thinkingagain about Yoni and Linga
fertility, proliferate, flourish
thinkingagain about your black eyes
pure, radiant, inviting
thinking again of the seeds of the earth
rising that warm sunlight.
Your body isshining
purityflowsfrom the deepnight pit
the source of the black eyesflowingthrough the chest
heaving and silent navel formed
theskydoesnot promise the firery sun
storm is sleeping
The windblowssoftlythrough the hair
timid, tolerantcloudsflytowards the horizon
where the kiln opens the door of ash
I bend over the terracotta vase
praisingclay, water and fire
praiseyour radiant body
purityflowsfrom the deep night pit.
Light up
After the evilXangsanestorm
Ilearnfrom the treethe lighting
as if there'snever been a gust of windaboveleveltwelve
as if therewasnever an uprootedancient tree
as if therewere no ruined houses
andmymother and mysister and brother
sat and cried.
To liveis to light
Iacknowledge and affirm
I argue and defend.
Hey you
if one day in front of youis a void or a breakdown
please light up a youngleaf for yourself
beautiful on the treebranchafter the storm
and if hopedoes not return
your heartisempty
please light up whetherit'sloneliness or despair
neverbecome the insensitive dying light.
Young mud
When the flood seasonpassed, itlefta layer of youngmud on theground. The neighbordidnot hidehisjoy: "This year'syoungmudisthickerthaneveryyear". Mother laughed: "It's a big flood". He listened to mother'svoice and fillshislungswith the smell of new dirt.
Young mud. Howlingwind, pouringrain. The vast plains of water. Imitation of village drums. The water on the floorsweptawaymanythings. The water remained in the mud. Mother lifted up her palm withfresh drops of mud. Mother'ssmileremindedhim of the taste of the earth, the scent of the season. Mother's gaze remindedhim of a way of thinking, of seeing, of living.
Time drifted to infinity. Sometimesheaskedhimself: Whatismy soul? And heansweredhimself: My soul is a youngmud soul.
He savedevery drop of mudafter the flood season to make up for hispoorricefields. He distilledjoy, sadness, experience, found in it a little essence and hethought of onething, every flash of rainwouldpass, whatwasleft, whatremainedwasyoungmudand everything couldpossibly becomea fertile alluvial layer...
The otherside
One lateafternoon I called a ferry to cross the river. After a while, fromthe othersidetherewas a « hey » and a boat appearedfrombehind the reeds. The oldferrymanhad a white beard. The old man's oarswere slow. The boat driftedlanguorously across the river. When the boat docked, I got on the boat and said, “Are you tired because of the old age? You didn't know that I was eager, hoping to get to the otherside?" The oldferrymanlooked at me: "It's been a long timesoithas become a habit, and to me, the twobanks are only one, so I forget to thinkthatyou are anxious to go to the otherside". I saw in the oldboatman'swordssomemeaning, but becausemy mindwasonlylooking at the river quickly, I did not askagain. The boat docked, I disembarked, nodded to the old man and hurriedaway. As I stepped off the riverbank, the oldboatmancalled out: "Hey, whenyouget back to the otherside, remember to remindme to row the boat quickly."
Sun shadow
At noon in the summer, I stayed in a hammockunder a bamboogrove. The bambooleaves rang and the tallbambootreesswayed in the wind. The sunshone down fromabove, through the bamboothen became sunbeams on the ground.Thehammock I laidin and evenmy body wasdappledwith sunlight. I smiled and thought: "The suniswearing a brocadeshirt for me". Then I closedmyeyes and fellasleep. Under the shade of bamboo, the sunisdotted. The hammockswayedwith a creaking sound.
Baby, life doesn't have many moments likethat, but those moments willfollow us forever. And youwillneverbe the sadsun. And I willneverbe the pool of suffering. Becausein us there have beenwonderful moments, worthliving. Under the shade of bamboo, the sunisdotted. The hammockswayedwith a creaking sound.
(Translated into English by Vu Hoang Linh Chi)
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