"The Lantern of Diogenes" By Rezauddin Stalin


The Lantern of Diogenes

A strange lantern sleeps at night
Wakes up in the sunlight
And moves around the World
Stands in front of people 
As if it would examine something
When somebody asks it replies-
Searching out Human - a mad
Does anyone light the lamp at broad daylight
From where does it get as much fuel

The lantern starts moving up to the Universe
The endpoint breaks through all the walls
Illuminated doors are opened with the scratch of the lantern 
Penetrating the echelons of all North South East Army of darkness
The lantern came out in the guise of Buddha
Before the night falls the Dabbatul Ardh will visit the world
It will draw a seal on the forehead of everyone
An engineer knows the changing geometry of anxiety 
The structure of the lantern – He is Diogenes
Lives in the invisible shadow of emptiness
His house is a punctuation mark
Made with the space of arrogance 
He treats Alexander the Great  
As a mere one
Even The Great Philosopher Plato is a fool to him
At knowledge dot com
He exports the lantern worldwide 
For free of cost
He has fixed his grave to be in the belly of those wolves 
Whom he encounters during his lifetime 

Rezauddin Stalin

Translated by Ashraf Chowdhury 

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