You - A Poem by Shahid Abbas


carry within you
a great gregarious soul

esteemed chronicler
of life lived in ever shortening shadows
exposing the banal truth of lies

the unsubtle act of rebellion
in the midst of atrocities poetry stands against an uprising
on divine rights of man

tossed about hither and yon
remaining silent in war torn zones of
obliterated lands
litered with hearts of stone and ash

fearless writers of truth
gor human rights
for innocent children
for justice
for all creatures great and small

Passion runs high
words pour like rain
you righteous poets
refuse to abandon the goal
to hail the rallying cry of freedom no matter the cost

Sent by God to an incalcitrant world
your truth sustains
you are colour in colourless lives

Poets speak during the great silence.....

©️ Shahid Abbas 2022

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