NEΟ βίντεο κλιπ για τους KLIODNA ("Forgotten Heroes" από το άλμπουμ "Way Of Heroes")


NEΟ βίντεο κλιπ για τους KLIODNA ("Forgotten Heroes" από το άλμπουμ "Way Of Heroes")



Symphonic Power Metal μπάντα


Είδος: Symphonic/Power metal  

Female fronted.  

Σχηματίστηκαν το 2013.  
Χώρα: Λευκορωσία (BY).  



Natasha Senko– φωνητικά

Vasily Silura – μπάσο

Anton ‘Tony’ Soulless–κιθάρες 

Dmitry Tyumentsev – κιθάρες

Pavel Tumanov – ντραμς 



“The Dark Side…(of the Stories)”– LP, 2016  

“Fly Far Away” – Single, 2017  

“Inside Out” – Single, 2018  

“Halodnae Serca” [“Frozen Soul” – Belarussian version] – Single, 2018  



TITΛΟΣ: Way of Heroes  



Το νέο άλμπουμ των Kliodna περιλαμβάνει 9 δυνατά τραγούδια ηχογραφημένα με τη συμμετοχή των τεράτων του είδους Fabio Lione (Rhapsody, Angra) και Ralf Scheepers (Primal Fear, Gamma Ray) με ζωντανή χορωδία δωματίου. Σχεδιασμός άλμπουμ και artwork Γιάννης Νάκος.



Οι KLIODNA είναι ένα symphonic/power metal συγκρότημα που δημιουργήθηκε το 2013 στο Μινσκ (Λευκορωσία). Οι μουσικοί συνεργάστηκαν για να δημιουργήσουν μελωδικό metal, συνδυάζοντας παραδοσιακούς heavy/power metal ήχους με επικά στοιχεία του συμφωνικού metal. Επιπλέον, ένα καθοριστικό χαρακτηριστικό της μπάντας είναι τα ποικιλόμορφα, δυνατά, προκλητικά και μερικές φορές αυστηρά και γεμάτα ψυχή γυναικεία φωνητικά. Το 2014, μετά από πολλές πρόβες, οι Kliodna εμφανίστηκαν για πρώτη φορά στη σκηνή. Εκείνη τη στιγμή, το συγκρότημα στελεχώθηκε πλήρως και τον Σεπτέμβριο του 2014 οι μουσικοί κυκλοφόρησαν το πρώτο τους EP "Set Me Free", το οποίο περιλάμβανε 4 τραγούδια. Μέχρι το τέλος του χρόνου, το συγκρότημα έδινε πολλές τοπικές παραστάσεις και ηχογραφούσε ταυτόχρονα ένα άλμπουμ. Την επόμενη χρονιά, οι Kliodna πήραν μέρος σε μερικά τοπικά φεστιβάλ καθώς και σε πολλές συναυλίες σε club και μοιράστηκαν τη σκηνή στη γενέτειρά τους με το γερμανικό συγκρότημα Van Canto, αυξάνοντας τη φήμη τους και αποκτώντας νέους θαυμαστές.
Τον Ιανουάριο του 2016, κυκλοφόρησε το ντεμπούτο άλμπουμ «The Dark Side...». Τα επόμενα χρόνια κυκλοφόρησαν επίσης δύο single: "Fly Far Away" (2017) και "Inside Out" (2018). Το τραγούδι "Frozen Soul" από το πρώτο άλμπουμ του συγκροτήματος κυκλοφόρησε επίσης ως single. Η αναγκαστική αναστολή των δραστηριοτήτων λόγω του Covid είχε χρησιμοποιηθεί για τη σύνθεση τραγουδιών για ένα νέο άλμπουμ, το οποίο κυκλοφόρησε τον Οκτώβριο. Ο νέος δίσκος περιλαμβάνει 9 ολοκαίνουργια τραγούδια. Μερικά από αυτά είναι πραγματικές ταινίες δράσης, τα υπόλοιπα είναι εντελώς συμφωνικά κομμάτια. Το άλμπουμ έχει ήδη παρουσιάσει αρκετούς καλεσμένους μουσικούς, συμπεριλαμβανομένων των Ralf Scheepers και Fabio Lione. Το artwork είναι δημιουργία του διάσημου καλλιτέχνη Γιάννη Νάκου. Ένας αριθμός παραστάσεων στο εξωτερικό έχουν επίσης προγραμματιστεί για το 2023.

Poems by Pham Thanh Thong from Vietnam


Poems byPham Thanh Thong from Vietnam

His biography:

Born on October 18, 1943 in Thach Chau commune, Loc Ha district, Ha Tinh province.In 1977, after graduating from Moscow National University of Pedagogy, he worked at Vinh University, Nghe An. Head of the Department, Faculty of Education.
He used to travel to Moscow many times and affected by Russian literature. Since 2017, he moved to live in Ho Chi Minh City. He already published a collection of poems "Deep in human love" by Publishing House of Vietnamese Writers’ Association in 2015. He loves poetry in particular and loves literature in general.

His poems:


Back to Tien Dien
"One hundred years in the real world"
To Nhucried for human love”
Butterflies, flowers, the moon, the wind and the sky
Human morality is deep, shining with the Heart word

That flower is hesitating and shy
Poetry forest is lost the way
Thought of fairyland
Back to Tien Dien this morning
Glory to the descendants of Lac Hong ancestors.


The flustered heaven and earth
Russian winter
Snow was woven together in a white color
Flying and flying densely in the sky
While walkingand feeling nervous
Turning the time, drifting to a strange land
Entangling the sadness, nostalgia from far away...

Suddenly, echoing a traditional song:
"In the middle of Moscow, listening to NgheTinh's song"
The folk song was full of countryside love
Warming someone's heart, passionately
Echoing a hundred years of the homeland song
Living forever with Hong Mountain, La River, full of love for the country

It soaked in the body and blood since infancy:
A bowl of sweet green tea
Listening to mother's lullaby: ah oh, ah oh!
deep in human love
Fascinating the burning heart, lovingthe life
Eternity with the time,
the familiar space

Oh! the folk song
Echoing a thousand miles away
The flustered heaven and earth,
So great, dear all!


To visit Pushkin monument
I went to Moscow
Visiting the great Pushkin monument
People went to visit here day by day
Fresh flowers
Emitting the fragrance
His eyes look down:

The pain of life!
He wrote the eternal matter:
Human love!
Life is half real, half unreal
Entangled by hardship, deepbenevolence.
Trying to find the human destiny?
To the end of the real world

Haven't seen the source of the contradiction problems!
Oh! The Sun of Russian Poetry
The world admires Him
Shining a great poetic soul!


So beautiful, dear piphyllumoxypetalum!
The dew-drenched autumn night,singing in the wind
Little fragrance is flying lightly
Going to the garden, realizing the bloomed piphyllumoxypetalum
Suddenly understanding so many people getting ecstatic!

So whiteso pure so delicate dear flowers
Rough hands dare not touch
Fear of melting away, fear of absorbing its natural fragrance

How can blame the flowers quickly fade
To mourn in the heart of the withered petals?
Sitting at the root, the heart sobbing
Lamenting to bury a golden dream

The moon is sinking away, the wind is sighing
It's not until tomorrow that the flowers have fallen...
The flowers fade too fast to look
Its fragrance has flown away, freely drifting

Perfection cannot be to all species
So beautiful, dearpiphyllumoxypetalum, that's enough!


Looking at a nice scenery

Growing ornamental plants to watch
is the great enjoyment
The more looking at them,
the more fascinating with life
Standing posture,
bending posture,
rotating the moonlight
Wise or dull
that is a human life!


The tolerance

Glass of water changes the color
when an ink drop falls by chance
The water in a lake is indifferent
when ink drops melt in?

Still forever the dark blue of the lake
The human tolerance is open:
Melting away the hatred
Melting awaythe bitterness!


To enjoy ornamental plants
People force ornamental plants
Bending to their will
Turning around!
Oh surprised, the plants are still natural
Towards the sun
looking for wind and sunshine
As if choosing a reason for life
It is God who gives.


The stillness

Inthe afternoon
Dropping the mask, putting off the curtain
Alone, a pen
sitting sad, writing poetry
From inside
freely deep

People's hearts and habits
entangling again
Looking for
the stillness
For a peaceful life
in the middle of the jostling circle!


The rhythm of four seasons

Gone are the excitement
The passionate infatuation
of sunny SUMMER days
The tenderness
of AUTUMN by the quiet lake
Holding on the quiet afternoon sunset
the wind of WINTER returns.


To blame so unwittingly

A person walks away that cannot blame so unwittingly
I am deserted but still bloomed
In silence, listening to mythrilled heart
Free life, why still feel agitated

The law of nature, season comes flowers keep bloomed
The wind brings theirfragrance to infinity...
Bees and butterflies come to visit
Only the dragonfly is bewilderedto that cold!

(Translated into English by HFT)

ΣΟΦΙΑ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΙΑΔΟΥ "Αληθινή φαντασία"


Αληθινή φαντασία

Φαντάσου στον τοίχο να κρεμόταν μια ζωγραφιά μεγάλων
Να έδινες στα χέρια τους χρώματα
Κι αυτοί στο λευκό να ζωγράφιζαν σκιές .

Φαντάσου στα μαλλιά άσπιλων παρθένων
να φύτρωναν αγριολούλουδα
Κι αυτοί τοξοβολώντας υγρό πυρ σύμψυχα να κατάκαιγαν .

Φαντάσου του Ορφέα την καλλικέλαδη λύρα να άκουγαν και μην μπορώντας να αντέξουν της μουσικής του το θάμβος
Να τον καταδίκαζαν την Ευρυδίκη του να χάνει εις τους αιώνας .

Φαντάσου τον ύπνο τους άδολα να τους χάριζαν νήπια με όνειρα αστέρια
Κι εκείνοι σκληροί σα Βαβυλώνιοι
στην πέτρα να συνέτριβαν το φως τους .

Τέτοια προμάντευαν στυλίτες και άγιοι
θαύματα κανοντας στην αγάπη να οδηγήσουν
Μα η πραγματικοτηταμε νείκος επελαύνοντας ανυποχώρητη δάκρυα δεν έριξε.

Μέχρι που τα παιδιά τη χαρά τους στροβιλίζοντας
Καλειδοσκόπια στον κόσμο των μεγάλων δώρισαν
Με μάτια διάφανο γυαλί
Τη σκοτεινή ζωή ν’ ανακαινίσουν .

Φωτογραφία : Κορίτσι με το μπαλόνι του  Banksy

DEATHROLL – single “The Raptor Flying Away” από το επερχόμενο άλμπουμ τους



“The Raptor Flying Away” 

(Δείτε το Live Videoεδώ) 


Οι DEATHROLL είναι ένα ιαπωνικό black metal συγκρότημα που γεννήθηκε στο Iwaki της Fukushima της Ιαπωνίας. Οι DEATHROLL ξεκίνησαν την καριέρα τους το 2012 ως σόλο black metal project του τραγουδιστή, τραγουδοποιού και μουσικού Kazu.  

Μετά από 6 full-lengthάλμπουμ και 2 digital singles, είναι έτοιμοι να κυκλοφορήσουν το νέο τους άλμπουμ. 

Στο άλμπουμ θα συμπεριλαμβάνεται και το single“ The Raptor Flying Away”. 


BONUS!!!...από την πρόσφατη κυκλοφορία τους, το άλμπουμ “Immorality” μπορείτε να δείτε το Official MusicVideo του single “Desolate”. 

Carpe "Καθρεφτίζομαι..."

στην περιρρέουσα μετριότητα
συμβιβασμένος με μια αλήθεια μισή .
Βγαίνω στο ξέφωτο
κινδυνεύοντας απ' την ευαισθησία της καρδιάς.
Ο φόβος της έλλειψης κυριαρχεί.
Η καρδιά άρχισε να νεκρώνει.
Ο θάνατος εξοντώνεται
όταν τα χείλη ανταμώνουν.
Με μαγνητίζει ο ήχος της μορφής,
όταν καθρεφτίζομαι
στων ματιών σου τον χείμαρρο .
Απλόχερα γεμίζω τον ορίζοντα
με της ζωής τα χρώματα .
Το σώμα χορεύει στο σκοτάδι,
μια αστραπή στο δρόμο του
με κάλεσε.
Στεγάζω τα όνειρα
σ' ένα συναισθημάτων απύθμενο χάος.


Η φωτογραφία είναι από

Poems by Nguyen Kim Tien from Vietnam


Poems by Nguyen Kim Tien from Vietnam

Her biography:

Born in 1965 – she lives and works in Thai Hoa Town - NgheAn province; 1st runner-up, elegant ladyship of Vietnam 2022.
Since young age, she was falling in love with beautiful scenery of the homeland, so that was inspired to her naturally for poetry and literature! Her hobbies and passions for singing, writing poetry, charity works for school programs and new rural farming

Her poems:

Immortal souls in peacetime

He died in peacetime
Blood is not shed, but it hurt mother's heart badly
He devoted whole entire youth
Leaving a love song for life.

He left with a longing heart
Who lives and who dies?
The sound of sirens resounded on the ground
The fire burned so fiercely that he could not be still!

Oh, bright and brave heart
Amid fire, he did not discourage
The persistent police soldier
The Party called for, the people in need, he did not care of sacrifice.

It was not a war of conquest
The whole nation rushed into battle
This war, he was gone quickly
Leaving a heroic example to life.

Calling his name pitifully, mother screamed
Let do comrades and neighbors shed tears
He lived and dedicated his life meaningfully
Uncle Ho's descendants, Lac Long*lineage...!

Talking about you with boundless words
Can't describe the feelings of those who are staying
He was gone but his shadow lasts forever
The gentle motherland protects his soul.

Missing his forever, the youth
Going beyond the courage and bravery
He was lovely forever in the police color
Fighting the fire, the country forever memorizes his name!

*Lac Long was a legendary king of Vietnamese history.


The old longan tree

The longan tree of my house
Father planted long time ago.
Don't know in which year
Nor its age of the tree

Older sister heard from mother
That the tree is older than me
My childhood in thelongan season
The tree was fruit-laden

Father arranged a net to avoid bats
Each bunch full of fruits
Wanted but dare not to pick up
Because if hands touched the fruits

Dad said bats smell
Though lots of desires
Had to swallow and dream
Waited for the fruit to ripen…!

How many seasons bloomed
How many days I remembered
Father's shadow in the sunshine
He was tall and gentle...!

How many seasons did father go?
The longan tree was lonely
My heart was deeply sad
Thelongan tree seemed to be also sad…!

Now the old scene is still here
The longan tree revived strongly
By building a house with good direction
The tree was moved to the other side…!

Now the house was done
The branch is beckoning
Flocks of birds are hovering
Singing and baiting…!

I am looking for father in the wind
The longan tree looks for the sky in the clouds.
Thanks for the gentle tree
Helping me to save memories…!

Looking at the completed beautiful house
Beside the shadow of the old tree
Thought my father is still standing there
Covering my life forever….!!!


Lagerstroemia speciosa

Dear lagerstroemia speciosa! when did you grow?
In the purple you are so gentle
Deep emotions that captivated my soul.

Oh dear the purple color that I love
With the memory of the land
The first role of Chau –Trong* is hard to forget.

Dear lagerstroemia speciosa! when did you grow
In the morning sunshine, you embrace the passion
Bathing the whole sky embracing the love.

* Legendary characters very famous in Vietnamese history


Mother and I!

This year's mother is 99 years old
I am 58 spring seasons
Old mother and I am not young
Mother's back bends and slow legs
Eyes cannot see far

Dear sweat mother! I love you so much!
Mother’s life is as hard as a stork life
Diving with the riverbank
Worrying about hungry cubs
Mother forgets the time

Forgeting all her spring ages
Raising children is hard work
Mother has no time to rest
From early mornings to late nights, mother works hard
Running back and forth

Corn, potatoes, cassava are full
Hoping children warm and full
Poor old, ragged mother
Withered the youth
Oh dear mother, bent back

Now more bending…
Mother I love you!
The love can't express by words
This poetry, I write
Filled with choking feeling

I always promise myself
Take care of mother's peace
Paying filial piety to dear mother
For full filial piety!!!


I love mother so much!

Dear Mother! I love you so much
Your whole life of diligence
Carrying to raise children
In the past, you laid in the wet places
Dry placespreserved for children

Your whole motherhood
Diving in the life of a stork
Alone in deep nights
Worried about little children
Many lonely long nights

Carrying a heavy burden
Seeking for rice, vegetables, solanummacrocarpon
Warming children’s hearts
Whole life worried about success or failure for children
Children were growing up

The school gates welcomed
Older sister went to university
Older brother followed the convoy
The second brother stepped in
The trenches to fight the enemy

Father was in the forestry farm
Living separated from family
Mother was as a stork.
Diving deep to find fish and shrimp
Life is so hard though

Just for children warm and full
Older sister got married
Older brother got to the shore
Mother took care all of each brother
Caring for the older sister

I'm the last one left
Because my fate is not complete
God knows about us
Gathering mother and I
I don't go to far away

Just staying around and taking care of mother!
Old age but like a child
Mother laughs and talks
I compassionate her from early mornings to late nights
All kinds with care

Mother can't walk now
Due to tired legs and faltering knees
I am not feeling strange
Let's try together
Taking care of mother more carefully

Dear mother! Nearly a hundred years old
Try harder for a few years
To get the national award
Mother returns to the mountainous region
I wish every second

Sometimes tomorrow
The old tree has dropped its leaves
The water falls into a puddle
Mother will follow the mist world
I can stay in peace

I will remember this life forever
The gratefulness of raising and nurturing
Mother's love is immense
How can measure enough
Life is the universe

Life is the reincarnation
If mother and I entangle in fates
I hope to see mother again one day!!!


The two banks of countryside river

Oh my countryside river
The two riverbanks of love and memory
Love river and songs
Longing for country love.

When did the river exist?
Named Hieuriver
It is full of love
Containing alluvial layers.

So many generations of burdens
For extending side, sliding side
In spring flowers bloom
Corn fields with green sunshine.

Around a cope of sky
With the river of motherland
Many silent love words
By the sad times flowing.

The river is still not old
Curving and meandering
Like the age of spring
Carrying love songs.

Dear the Hieuriver
Offering sweet taste
Which water do I drink up?
Sunny noons in the fields.

Which water cools the heart?
During hot summer noons
Which songs resonates?
Lulling love in the winter afternoons.


The gratitude to my teachers

Parent gave the body form
Teachers gave the education
Many days I preserve
The gratitude to my parent.

Giving love over the years
For the teachers’ morality
What was the innocentchildhood
I went to school to find the education.

Babbling in the voice reading
Every morning in love schools
Where was the squiggly handwriting?
Teachers hold hands to guide.

To line up neatly
Like transplanted rice
How much knowledge from here
Following into real life.

Now far from school, far from class
The teachers’ shadowsare still imprinted
How much favors and supports
Teachers mean everything.

No matter who can pay back
The teachersdo not care
Who still remembers?
Teachers are always happy.

Like roses and chrysanthemums
Beautiful in the morning sun
The gratitude for teachers
Gave me the knowledge.

Coming out to the real life
How can I forget
All ways back and forth
Always remembering a river.

The place where ferry trips were
Taking the pupils to a new station
Who often think about
Old riverbanks?

Picking up travelers
Like teacher’s love with respect humanity
Which song was resounding
"Drinking water must remember the source?".

Eating fruit not forgeting!
Cultivators take care
The gratitude for male-teachers is as high as a mountain
The gratitude for female-teachers is as "gentle mother".

Although going everywhere
Although far away from home
Although the two-way difference
The gratitude for teachers and pupils lasts forever.

(Translated into English by Khanh Phuong)

Two poems by James Tian


Informal Essay Before Gone

Some lives gone,
In this ordinary night.
Where did they go?
I asked the moonlight.

It pointed to the sea,
Can’t see anything,
Like a piece of black
With inexplicable fright.

It turns out,
That silence is a goal,
A soul falling out the world,
Can enjoy the peace in bright.

So I was relieved,
As if I had made a bed for myself,
No one can leave the world alive,
So I cherish everything more,
That I already held it tight.

James Tian



Seeds are unlikely to be buried,
because there’s only hope been planted.
Truth cannot be concealed,
because existence is it !

It’s advised that those who want to do anything by hook or by crook,
take good care of yourselves first,
is the greatest virtue already.
It’s advised that those who want to light everyone up,
your life is conforming to good taste.

James Tian