Poems by Author Haroon Rashid , India



Insta: @authorharoonrashid 

We the men without the women 
can never be born again 
we the men without the women 
will never understand the real pain 
we the men without the women 
can go astray 
we the men without the women 
 might turn gay 
but before you judge
oh stop and hey 
we the men without the women 
will have life of black and white
we the men without the women 
will never know the real light 
we the men without the women 
will have to understand 
what they go through when 
for them we don't take the stand 
we the men without the women 
are not everything 
we the men without the women 
might be a song but will become
 beautiful when they will sing.
-Author Haroon Rashid


They are the charms of heaven on Earth,
They are the beats of the heart in the heart
their birth are blessings on earth
fortunate ones understand their worth
they are the mother, daughter, sister, friend and bride
They are there to bring smiles, joy, peace and pride
"In phases of happiness everyone comes that’s true
In adversities they are the ones that come to you"
They are hearts of softness, Don’t add to their pain
"Their life is no less than walking on thorns, walking on fire
Everyday they are burning , everyday they are flames again
They are the roses of their garden, don’t treat them as grass of barren land"
In your dark phases they come and become your light
They are the one’s turning your houses into home's
They are the princess and the queens of your thrones
Cherish them, their birth and their worth because 
Blessed are the ones who have daughters
It is like in the desert one has oasis full of waters
-       Author Haroon Rashid
©Author Haroon Rashid


Author Haroon Rashid is World Famous Author for 'We Fell Asleep In One World And Woke Up In Another' and 'Author Haroon Rashid Quotes'.

He is National Vice Chairman Youth India at Mother Teresa International Foundation

He received

. Karmaveer Chakra Award 2022 Icongo United Nations

. Global Peace Award 2022 at Mother Teresa International Foundation

. Honorary Degree, Doctorate of Humanity by La Haye (Academy of Applied Sciences Supervisory Board) France.

· 'Golden Eagle Award for Literary Excellence' from South America.

· ‘Honorary Award in recognition of his Excellence in Literature and Arts’ on the occasion of the 59th year of Independence for Trinidad and Tobago

· Balkanska Pjesnicka unijapoetically godine - 2021 -Award from Serbia

· Invited to be a peace protagonist on the occasion of International Peace Day in Mexico and Greece,

· Designated as an Ambassador for SDG4 in promoting world peace through Quality Education and Global Citizenship Education and also for SDG13 for combating climate change,

· Designated as 'Literary Lieutenant' in the army of literary warriors.

· Invited to be a speaker at 3rd International Congress of Education, Designing The Future, Mexico, North America

He received worldwide recognition, love and fame and also has been called to famous Interview shows including Oprah Winfrey Show and still continuing.

Author Haroon Rashid belongs to the beautiful Jammu and Kashmir, India (also known as Heaven on Earth). Every writer is different but he is one of those who can touch souls with even simplest expression of words. His writings spoke for him at global level making him a renowned writer par excellence. He is spreading his aura and glory with the magic of his words. His works has been translated into more than 148 languages, be it Spanish, French, German, Arabic, African, Indonesian, Chinese, Hindi, Urdu, Persian, Kannad, Tamil, Sanskrit, Mexican, Bolivian and so on. Almost every soul including celebrities shared it on their social platforms and fund raising events making him globally renowned with an unusual success story to be cherished. Many souls including celebrities from Hollywood, Bollywood, Art Fields, Music Fields, Sports Fields, Politics got in touch with him.

Among his world famous writings are ; 'Suicide Poem', 'Come Back From The Heaven', ‘Skin’, 'Will Meet Again', 'We Fell Asleep In One World' aka 'The Earth Poem', 'Human Trafficking', 'Humanity Poem', 'Faith', 'Mother', 'Spiritual Love', 'The World', 'Media', 'Human In Uniform', 'Get Up', 'Kashmir', 'Meet A Person' so on along with Endless Quotes.

In his early days, he was much into sketching and drawings along with mix of playful and fun loving nature and had a good brain in his studies and academics as well. Since the beginning, he was drawn towards fine arts. He took interest in painting, music and dancing in his school life.

After the school he persuaded his higher education completing Bachelor in Commerce and Double Post Graduation in English Literature and Public Administration and apart from it he took interest in Science, Psychology, Anthropology, Sociology, Geography, History and so on. His graduation was a life turning experience for him. He started gaining interest in writing as his art got mixed with worldly affairs. His art is his heart and now that heart is in all of us.

Carpe "Πάσχω..."


Μπροστά σ' ένα παράθυρο κλειστό
Σεβασμός στη σιωπή
που πνίγεται.
Εκλιπαρώ έστω
και για ένα ματωμένο φιλί
ακροβατώντας στις μέρες της κατάντιας.
Το μελτέμι γεμίζει την ψυχή,
μια μυρουδια αλμύρας
κάθησε στη μνήμη.
Γυρνώ τα μάτια
στα φθαρμένα οράματα.
Βαδίζω μέσα στις στιγμές,
ντύνω την ψυχή
μ'αυτά που ονειρεύτηκα.
Οι σταγόνες στα μάτια μου
ανακυκλώνουν τα όμορφα...
δυο κορμιά να κείτονται ενωμένα.


Η φωτογραφία είναι από https://reporter.com.cy/



" Ύβρις "

Ετούτη η χώρα χόρτασε
από αερολογίες,
φανφάρες και βερμπαλισμούς
και μεγαλοστομίες.

Ετούτη η χώρα χόρτασε
από κούφιες υποσχέσεις,
από γλώσσες ξύλινες
κι αμφίβολες προθέσεις.

Πομφόλυγες και φληναφήματα,
ανύπαρκτο το είναι
κι όλα, απλώς, να γίνονται
για ένα θεαθήναι.

Άλλη μια παράσταση,
λόγια άνευ ουσίας,
σ' ένα συνονθύλευμα
υποκριτών και υποκρισίας.

Μα άλλο η υποκριτική,
η ποίηση του ήθους,
κι άλλο η εξαπάτηση
χωρίς ντροπή του πλήθους.

Αρχαίο πνεύμα αθάνατο,
που δόξα είσαι γεμάτο,
πώς έγινε στα σύγχρονα
να φτάσαμε στον πάτο.

Τη χώρα αυτή που γέννησε
πολιτισμό, δημοκρατία,
κατάντησαν να είναι
παγκόσμια παρωδία.

Παλεύει όρθια να σταθεί
κοντά διακόσια χρόνια,
μα πώς να ορθοποδήσει
με απάτες και διχόνοια.

Με κοκορομαχίες,
μια αιώνια χασμωδία,
με χρόνιες αμέλειες
που έφεραν την τραγωδία.

Και πάλι λόγια θα ειπωθούν
κατόπιν εορτής.
Ταινία σε επανάληψη
που δε θες άλλο να δεις.

Θα βγουν και θα μιλήσουν
ατσαλάκωτοι γιακάδες.
Ώρα να σωπάσετε,
τώρα θρηνούν μανάδες.

Αυτού του τόπου η αλλαγή
ζήτημα κατεπείγον,
που ό, τι κατάφερε χρωστά
στο φιλότιμο των λίγων.

Μ' αυτούς τους λίγους οι πολλοί
ελπίζουν σ' ένα θάμα.
Ένας λαός συμπάσχει
θαρρείς σ' αρχαίο δράμα.

Σε τούτη την κατάντια
που φτάσαμε εδώ,
βγαίνουν με θράσος και μιλούν
ακόμα για αιδώ.

Κοιτάζουνε κατάματα
και ηθικολογούν,
μα με τις πράξεις τους, θαρρείς,
την Ύβριν προκαλούν.

Η μία διαδέχεται
την άλλη α-νοησία.
Τα ρίχνουνε στην Άτη -
ευθύνης απουσία.

Μα η Νέμεσις θα επέλθει
σε τούτη εδώ την κρίση,
το δίκαιο απ' τ' άδικο
να αποκαταστήσει.

Η Τίσις για το άδικο
την τιμωρία θα αποδώσει,
όποιος κι όσο ευθύνεται,
αυτό και να πληρώσει.

Κι αν είναι αυτός ο τόπος
κάπως να προχωρήσει,
από κάθε μιαρό
δέον να καθαρίσει.

Λάθη, παραλείψεις,
αστοχίες, απειλές.
Δεν είναι ένα παιχνίδι
οι ανθρώπινες ζωές.

Πίνακας : Le Justice et la Vengeance divine poursuivant le Crime, Pierre-Paul Prud'hon (1808)
Από https://br.wikipedia.org/

Poems by Rozalia Aleksandrova, Bulgaria



Poets are Hunters of Happiness.
Word - like a bouquet of fragrant flowers,
like a glowin a cloudless sky,
like a green diaperin the desert,
like a warmarmatthepole,
like the smile of a friend.

The poet is alone with his dreams.
And he cries out with all his might for happiness.

Human happiness is a breath of wind.
Its  lips away on the top so flongings.
Only thegood hunters  of the  moments
they cannot ice it
without touching it.

And it already  travels toanother  soul,
another continent
another peaktargeted
from  the human  genius for conquest.

TheWorld goes  like this.
Joys, day  dreams  and quiet dreams.
They herald a new  beginning.
To everything  achieved  byhumans.

And  no going back!



to look for the hut
with the fire and the man,
who appeared
in my dream from nowhere.
I went down to the shore.

The dunes lonely
searched for me.
I sank with them
in dreams.
And the path of the moon
hugged me.
Wise rain
seduces me.

I went down to the shore.
Alone. And eternal.
With disobedient
and searching heart.
In the mussel burned
looking at me
my own face.

I went down to the shore.

©RozaliaAleksandrova, Bulgaria

Rozalia Aleksandrova lives in Plovdiv, Bulgaria. Author of 11 poetry books. Editor and compiler of over 30 literary almanacs, collections. Initiator and organizer of the International Festival of Poetry “Spirituality Without Borders”from 2015.
She is one of the winners of the prestigious CESAR VALLEJO Prize for Literature - 2022. Winner of the MAHATMA GANDHI Leadership Award 2022; International Outstanding Poet Award of CHINESE LITERATURE FESTIVAL -2022 – Hubei`sProvincial Literature Federation and others.



ΑΦΙΕΡΩΜΑ --- ΜΝΗΜΗ ΘΑΝΑΣΗ ΠΑΠΑΘΑΝΑΣΟΠΟΥΛΟΥ ( Εκδήλωση - Συνδιοργάνωση Εταιρία Ελλήνων Λογοτεχνών και Εθνική Εταιρεία των Ελλήνων Λογοτεχνών


Γενναδίου 8 και Ακαδημίας -10678 ΑΘΗΝΑ
Τηλ:2103834559 E-mail: eel@otenet.gr


              ΚΥΡΙΑΚΗ 12 ΜΑΡΤΙΟΥ 2023 και ώρα 10.30 π.μ. 


                                  ( Συνδιοργάνωση)                                                          

Η Εταιρία Ελλήνων Λογοτεχνών και η Εθνική Εταιρεία των Ελλήνων Λογοτεχνών σας προσκαλούν στην εκδήλωση, που θα γίνει στην αίθουσα Μιχαήλας Αβέρωφ, οδός Γενναδίου αρ. 8 και Ακαδημίας, 7ος όροφος, με θέμα:         


                         ( μέλος ΕΕΕΛ και Επίτιμο μέλος ΕΕΛ)


Χαιρετίζουν: Παύλος Ναθαναήλ, τέως Πρόεδρος, νυν Αντ/δρος ΕΕΛ.

                      Ελένη Κεκροπούλου, Αντ/δρος ΕΕΕΛ.


Ομιλητές: Κώστας Καρούσος, Πρόεδρος ΕΕΛ.

                Σοφία Μωραΐτη Γεν. Γραμ. ΕΕΕΛ.

Δημήτρης Καραμβάλης, Νομικός, Ποιητής, μέλος ΕΕΕΛ και Επίτ μέλος ΕΕΛ


Απαγγέλλει: Μαριάννα Βλάχου-Καραμβάλη, Νομικός, Ποιήτρια.

                   Κατερίνα Ντούγκα-Κοτοπούλου, μέλος ΕΚΝΜ-ΕΕΛ.


Συντονίζει: Κώστας Καρούσος, Πρόεδρος ΕΕΛ.


                                            Για τα Δ.Σ.


Ο Πρόεδρος της ΕΕΛ                                        Ο Πρόεδρος της ΕΕΕΛ           

Κώστας  Καρούσος                                     Γεράσιμος Ζώρας



Athanasios ZERVAS: "Valentine's day" on a poem by Lia SIOMOU Angelica CATHARIOU, mezzo - Igor PETRIN, piano


My Valentine's Day poem, one of ten poems set to music by Dr Zervas of the University of Macedonia, in You Tube! It was wonderful to hear the song, on Valentines Day. The lyricsfollow too, so that you can better enjoy the song.

Valentine’s Day

Valentine's Day today
Valentine's Day
Our hearts know...
Valleys and meadows of sweet
Valentine's Memories..
Vanishing in the mist
of eternity...
Our days in the sun!!
I want to remember

Valentine's Day
In the warmth of the South Seas
Valentines Day today
Valentines Day...
Our heart knows
Valentines Day…

Athanasios ZERVAS: "Valentine's day"
on a poem by Lia SIOMOU
Angelica CATHARIOU, mezzo - Igor PETRIN, piano

The song cycle "Lia's Songs" was composed between 2012 and 2021. It is the product of the collaboration between Athanasios Zervas (composer) and Lia Siomou (poet)
from the CD "LIA'S SONGS" [Phasma-music]