Όσα ζήσαμε ένα «τίποτα»,
άχρωμες εικόνες
και οι σημαίες μας σε χώρες θολές.
Μακρινά ταξίδια μάς περιμένουν,
κι εμείς ριζωμένοι στους βράχους,
αγωνιζόμαστε με τους ανέμους
αναζητούμε πατρίδα στους ωκεανούς.
Τα πρόσωπά μας ανεμοδαρμένα,
τα μάτια μας δυο ξένοι,
η πορεία μας αγωνιώδης,
Βουίζουν οι βοριάδες μέσα μας,
κύματα θεριά γκρεμίζουν τα σύνορά μας,
το πεπρωμένο χάρτινος πύργος τσακισμένος θλιβερά.
Οι μοίρες δρόμοι που τους διαβήκαμε
και γυρίσαμε με χέρια αδειανά,
και τώρα χωρίς την παρηγοριά των μύθων,
κοιτάμε κατάματα τις αλήθειες μας
κι αντικρίζουμε σαν για πρώτη φορά τις ψυχές μας.

Ιωάννα Αθανασιάδου.



Αχειροποίητα φιλιά
στο λευκό και το γαλάζιο της απεραντοσύνης,
κυματιστά μαντήλια στις πνοές των ανέμων.
Περιστερώνες δαντελωτοί
στις πλαγιές με τα σκαρφαλωμένα σπίτια,
ανασαίνουν τη θάλασσα οι τρούλοι και τα καμπαναριά.
Αγκαλιασμένες οι στέγες με το αεράκι,
γέρνουν οι ουρανοί στα ηλιοστάλαχτα πλατάνια.
Γιρλάντες διάφανες οι δρόμοι των πουλιών,
χρυσά τα φτερά των ανέμων.
Αντρίκια λόγια ψιθυριστά των δέντρων τα κρυφομιλήματα,
ξενυχτισμένα τα φεγγάρια στα διάφανα νερά.
Αντρειώνονται οι σκιές και περπατούν πανώριες,
ακούγονται οι λησμονημένοι καιροί
να διαβαίνουν την αιωνιότητα.
Περαστικά τα πουλιά απ’ τα λημέρια του ήλιου,
λαμπροφορεμένα τα εξαπτέρυγα και οι αρχάγγελοι της χαράς.
Γελαστά όνειρα στις πλώρες των αστεριών,
καπετάνιοι διάφανοι πίνουν τη μέρα σε λευκά ποτήρια.
Μυροβλύζει ο χρόνος ο αειπάρθενος,
χαιρετίζει το φως στις επάλξεις του ορίζοντα.

Ιωάννα Αθανασιάδου

Φωτογραφία Departure- photograph by Sarah Vermeersch 

"ΕΡΩΤΑ ΜΟΥ" Τραγούδι του Σπύρου Σαμοΐλη σε Στίχους Ηρακλή Κριεζή - Σπ. Σαμοΐλη

 Ο Σπύρος Σαμοΐλης ερμηνεύει το τραγούδι του "ΕΡΩΤΑ ΜΟΥ", σε στίχους Ηρακλή Κριεζή - Σπ. Σαμοΐλη.

Σε είδα, χθες το βράδυ, της ψυχής μου χαρά, φορούσες, των αγγέλων, χρυσαφένια φτερά. Και είπα να σ’ αγγίξω, μα, πετούσες ψηλά, νεράιδα μες στη νύχτα, που τ’ αστέρια φιλά. Ρ Ω, Έρωτά μου, Ω, πώς σ αγαπώ. Σε είδα, έρωτά μου, κι η ψυχή λαχταρά, μαζί σου να πετάξει, έστω μία φορά. Και είπα, να ζυγώσω, να σ’ αγγίξω απαλά, μα, ήταν η μορφή σου, μες στο φως… μια σκιά.

Four Poems of Irina Shulgina from Russia


i. And that's all love

She only gets prettier over the years,
She is gentle, innocent and sweet.
No one will dare to offend her
She is pure as an angel and bright.

Will outshine the whole world with its beauty,
She will ascend to the throne with a degree and modesty.
Everyone considers her almost holy
Her soul is so tender, bright.

Vicious and unrestrained happens,
Unbearable, windy, proud.
It changes its colors unrestrainedly
It will destroy the world and save it.

And yet we can't live without it,
We will not be able to believe, feel, breathe.
She is dearer to us than anything in the world,
One is a stepmother, the other is a devoted mother.



ii. Mood

You take the mood with you,
Yes, such that the soul sang!
Look around, no doubt
It's good to live, and life is good!

Let the winds of separation, let the unfaithful friend,
But doubts away, I want to help!
Even if everything goes awry,
Everything will pass, know that it's nothing!

Say hello to those who frown
And thickens all the colors around,
Who frowns from bright days forever,
Who suddenly has a broken heel.

You don't even know, life gives a lesson,
And doubts away, I want to help!
Even if everything goes awry,
Everything will pass, know that it's nothing!



iii. The Star

However high above, sky doesn’t answer questions,
It dissipates the pain of every past mistake.
Yet somewhere deep inside, my heart is effervescent.
Please do not simmer down and keep the love awake!

I’ll draw a pouring rain, an iridescent promise,
A light of children’s smiles, an angel of my heart,
Who is to help me out, to stay around as always?
To ward the evil off, maybe we better start.

It can be hard to see the much-needed dawn is breaking,
Helping us hope and wait, making us fight and strive.
When the commotion comes, when there is grief and aching,
Through the turmoil of life, you can only survive.

Beacon of guiding light, sparkling morning star,
Shining forever for those on the way.
Life is no simple game, things could have hurt so far,
Only to love we hold and pray!



iv.To the Ground

Are we getting off the mark, if there’s fear, if it’s dark?
Have we really gone astray in the plain, at the bay?
What is it right in my chest? I don’t know, help me guess!
Why the enmity we face – even now, in this case?

We would turn the river’s flow – hundreds of years to go.
We would take away the soul of the soil, of the soil.
Down the middle, break the heart – here and there, miles apart.
All this world has gone awry – nothing’s good, nothing’s right!

To the ground, listen, to the ground
Bow your head to the silver plain.
Seek forgiveness from your own land,
Mother-land, that is old and saint.

Maybe this is when we stop smashing down, shaking up?
If we know the proper ways, put it all back in place.
You just lend a hand and heed those in pain, those in need.
We can help it if we try – let the birds freely fly!



Irina Shulgina . Russia, Krasnoyarsk.

Composer, poet, singer, vocal teacher.Honored Worker of Culture of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.Honorary figure of literature and Art of the International Academy of LIK.Academician of the Petrovsky Academy of Sciences and Arts.

Author of more than 300 songs in various genres, anthems. The author's music collection in the folk style "A drop of dew" (2016) and a collection of romances "I embroider days" (2017) were created. MGP - a personal book of poems "The Soul sings ..." (2012) was released (Germany). Spanish - the poetic collection "Voice from the Sky" was released (2020). On the basis of the author's musical and poetic material, the musical "Night Cafe" (2013) and the folk musical Siberian tale "Faith, Hope, Love" (Sisters) (2018) were created.

Сот.тел. 8 923 281 44 24

"Σε σένα χρωστώ πολλά" Σύνθεση για συμφωνική ορχήστρα του Βασίλη Τσουρακά σε στίχους και ερμηνεία του Αθω Χατζηματθαίου

 Στίχοι τραγούδι Άθως Χατζηματθαίου

Σύνθεση συμφωνικής ορχήστρας Βασίλης Τσουρακάς
Όργανα βιολιά ( α) βιολιά ( β) τσέλα Φλάουτα φλάουτα πίκολο τρομπέτες κόρνα Τρομπόνια Γκρα κάσα ταμπούρο τύμπανα συμφωνικής Κύμβαλα Σε σένα χρωστάω πολλά Ήταν η Ζώη μου γκρίζο δειλινό σ' ένα χειμωνιάτικο τοπίο παγωμένο χιόνι έριχνε πυκνό στην καρδιά μου αβάσταχτο το κρύο _______________________ σε σένα χρωστάω πολλά το Άγιο σου βλέμμα σαν χάδι με πήρε απ 'το χέρι δειλά και βγήκα απ' το μαύρο σκοτάδι κοντά σου ξανά ουρανός χριστέ μου πήρε χρώμα γαλάζιο στο βλέμμα σου μέσα το φως αντλώ τα γλυκά σε κοιτάζω _________________ ήταν η Ζώη μου άνοιξη βουβή δίχως άνθη δίχως χελιδόνια η καρδιά στο στήθος ανοιχτή πληγή στη ψυχή πυκνά πέφταμε χιόνια _______________________ σε σένα χρωστάω πολλά το Άγιο σου χέρι σαν χάδι με πήρε απ 'το χέρι δειλά και βγήκα απ' το μαύρο σκοτάδι κοντά σου ξανά ουρανός χριστέ μου πήρε χρώμα γαλάζιο στο βλέμμα σου μέσα το φως αντλώ τα γλυκά σε κοιτάζω σε σένα χρωστάω πολλά το Άγιο σου χέρι σαν χάδι με πήρε απ' το χέρι δειλά και βγήκα απ' το μαύρο σκοτάδι

Άθως Χατζηματθαίου

Carpe "Ανάδοχος πάθους..."

Μπροστά μου
το μουχλιασμένο αστικό τοπίο
και ψυχές ετοιμόρροπες.
'Ένα κομμάτι ελεύθερης ψυχής
Απαιτώ το φως
και το θρόϊσμα του ανέμου.
Το άρωμα των λουλουδιών με ζάλισε,
οι θολές φωτογραφίες ξεψύχησαν,
θάψαμε τις καρδιές.
Την αυγή άρχισε η εποχή
των τροπικών μουσώνων,
βουτάω ασυνείδητα σε μια αγκαλιά,
συναισθάνομαι το θρήνο των αρχαγγέλων.
Αναιρώντας τα προκαθορισμένα
σκαρφαλώνω στα σύννεφα,
αγγίζω του κορμιού σου τις κοίτες .
Εντοπίζω το λίκνο της γοητείας,
μια σάρκα επιθυμητή που συσπάται.
Τραβώντας τις σκονισμένες κουρτίνες
από τη φαιδρότητα χρόνων, γίνομαι ανάδοχος
του αδάμαστου πάθους.


Η φωτογραφία είναι από το https://www.pinterest.fr/

Five Poems of Sabyasachi Nazrul from Bangladesh


 01. In the Mujib Year

In the Mujib year, in Mujib bars
In the new hares going forword,
country going forword,
Bangabandhu'r Bangladesh
The Gold Bangladesh
That's pretty much it.

A new history will be created for development
Fourthly enlightened light
The world meeting will be best for everyone,
With a strong heart
Going forword country going forword,
That's pretty much it.

O my dear motherland
Love love love love
I want you, love is unending
I gave my blood and soul for you.

In the Mujib year
In a fiery flams of fiery flams
Guilty businessman cheater butt brokers,
Unjust injustice
Let the Ashes burn.
The sinners corridor, the guilt of sin
Let it bud and twist to the ground
Let the sin and sinner be destroyed.

In the Mujib year, Mujib bars
In the glaring light the new harsha
Going forward o my dear country
The gold Bangladesh.

Sabyasachi Nazrul

02. The death of feeling

Quiet senseless bluish blue beach
There is a human child
after the dull frozen!
She is wearing blue shorts and a red shirt.
There's a face down, there’s food has no
Whose baby is that?

Lifeless body wearing blue socks red shoes,
Ah! It's like a blooming rose.
Wavy water into the yard  of witty sand 
The conversation is going on silently,
Slow day in the bloodstream is saying restless bloody soul,
Listen, people of the barbaric world...
You can't be cruel, heretical, civilized!
My mother-father-brother-sister was killed by bullets.

I pierced my young body with bullets,
Look! The sea has not swallowed me
Returned to the shore...
He is an imperialist, capitalist, bandit, vampire monster.
You are throwing your countrymen into a sea
Without Claus, at the gates of death.

Sabyasachi Nazrul

03. Victory Means

Victory means the smile of a smiling new born baby.
Victory means drowning of growing up.
Victory means the suet of blood moon red and green.
Victory means melodious melody in a  bird's voice.
Victory means breaking the shackles of subjugation.
Victory means the soul of the sovereign country.

Sabyasachi Nazrul


Grass hoppers sit and dance and jump,
Khuku forget to read while busy catching grasshoppers.

Where is khukumoni sonamoni called mother,
If you want to eat then Your book in hand.

She grabbed the grasshoppers without listening to his mother,
Then khuku's mind is good so the book opens and read.

Sabyasachi Nazrul

05 Dream Flight

Oh, a million dreams in a nourished chest,
Dreamy flying birds that do not fly!
In a full moon full of light,
Dreams fly in the blue sky of jotsna.

I fill lively
O my dear sweet golden bird.
Fearless mass on both wings float in the dreamy golden sky.

Never get lost like a dream bird
In the last hours of waiting for the end of the dream.
Indomitable determination
But concentrate on your face immaenlately beautiful eyebrows.
After someone's bowl volner ratnar rice
Tell me why I will stop behind the place?

Look at the hundreds of those for away drinks
The door to dream success,
But why is it so late?
Move forward with a firm oath on the right way.

Sabyasachi Nazrul


Sabyasachi Nazrul
Father’s name: syed Md. Kadam ali Mir
Mother's name: Momtaz Begum
Village: Srilongol
P.o: Bhojeswar
P.s: Naria
Dist: Shariatpur.
Mobile: 01940448736
President: smc, Mosura govt. Primary School
Bangladesh co-ordinators: Bangabandhu Foundation USA

Published books: Sapna Uran, Ekti Tarjonir Isara.
Joint books: 17th
Auditor & Publisher: Krittinasar kritti.
Regularly published my poems, rhyme, story, sort article in National & International newspapers, poetry magazine and journal.

Honour & crests: Baboi Prokasani writer crest, Mowchak best poet and writer honours crest, amader gaan kobita Golpokotha  best poet, writer & convener crest, abul kalam Sahitya Utshab poet and writer honours crest, asma Begum Faundation writer honours crest, best 10 golpokar crest, Mitali multimedia crest, model media agency crest, 20 plus International certificates.
* English poems are 40 plus

Three Poems of Fady Bouaz from Lebanon


i. I hope

Life and all feelings, desires and instincts are not really true, the truth is that death is really true
The light of life comes from the darkness of death to disappear in the darkness of death, like the sun that comes from the darkness to disappear into the darkness
The darkness is the real reality
The darkness is great and everywhere in all the time always, even under the light you can see the darkness like shadows that speak through the voice within us
All the existence began like a point in the darkness, expanded to be huge, and would return to be a point in the darkness as it once was in the beginning
Everything is like a circle that begins in the darkness and ends in the darkness, over and over, always and forever
Even the ultimate truth is hidden in the darkness, only the light of reason can cross the darkness and know what is hidden in it
I hope God gives me the ability to know what is hidden deeply in the darkness of the cave of our ignorance

Fady Bouaz
All copyrights are reserved ©
Wednesday 4/5/2022


ii. I want

I am what I am, as fate desires me to be, I am a reflection of what is destined for me
What I say and do as inspiration comes to me, so that the will of fate be done
I am like all others, I was born with the voice that speaks inside me and the shadow that accompany me, from the beginning of my life until its end
I don't know what is the truth of this shadow and this voice, and I wonder who are they really, and my question about them is not stupidity or madness
Many came and asked and said, and what they said had the effect of changing and development, although the others said that they are eccentrics or crazy
I ask because I want to learn, I do not want to be like many people whom spend their lives in a dark cave, the truth to them as they imagine, their eyes are not able to look under the light of truth to they see in order to they know what is really the truth 
I want to know, maybe I will know what I want to know, what I must know
And perhaps, if I told the the others what I will know, will help the humanity community with the time
I hope that God help and guide me to what is good for me and the others

Fady Bouaz
All copyrights are reserved ©
Teusday 3/5/2022


iii. The hidden absolute truth

The absolute truth is hidden so deep, our weakness prevents us from knowing exactly what it is
We think we know
But what we know is not what we want to know
What we should know is not what we think we know
We need more and more to try, maybe we can know what we should know, far from the seducing of our instincts and desires to us
Every time I try to know, I find that I must learn more, in order to know more, perhaps I can know what I want to know, what I must know
But for me now, as a humble shadow, far from my ego, I know that my life is a fleeting journey, a circle of many circles, my life that begins in the darkness of the womb of death and ends in the darkness of the womb of death, and this continues until I reach the end of my fleeting journeys of life
Maybe at a time and place we will be able to know what we must know
And maybe the true paradise is the knowing of the hidden absolute truth

Fady Bouaz
All copyrights are reserved ©
Monday 2/5/2022